You may have to face a situation when your PPC landing fails to convert even though they receive great traffic. Have you ever encountered such a problem and tried to fix the problem of your landing page. To achieve better conversion rate optimization you need to ponder over certain points other than your landing page copy. The copy might be a good reason why you landing page could not convert visitors into leads. Marketers make a lot of copy writing mistakes which they are not even aware. Read through the article to know about the usual copy writing mistakes which you probably are making on your landing page.
Fix these problems on your landing page to convert maximum visitors into leads.
More Emphasis on Features and Benefits
Without a doubt, features are important as they provide the relevant information and the product specifications to the customers. However, these features do not persuade them to buy the products increases the leads. They fail to convince the audience as to how it can affect the life of an individual. In order to understand the mindset of the customers, analyze on what basis the customers decide to purchase a product. The brand needs to understand that the purchase decision of the Indian audience is driven more by emotions and not by logic.
Features are important to back the decision of buying a particular product. Inform your customer about the benefits of the product and how it can assist in improving their lives. Tell the customers why they need to buy a certain product instead of simply telling them what they can have. The landing page must be designed in a way that it highlights the advantages of the features. In order to convert the visitors into potent leads, the landing page should be designed emphasizing more on benefits and not on features.
Your Copy is Purposeless
Make sure your landing page copy is not purposeless containing irrelevant information. This makes your page ambiguous. This is one of the biggest mistakes which the copywriters tend to make. The landing page contains only filler words which only look impressive but fails to persuade the viewers to buy certain products. Word limit should not be your goal. Provide the content which is informative and not simply a clutter of words. The message you want to give to the audience must be clear and should not struggle to convert the visitors into leads. For an effective copy, you should always be ready for editing to give customers what they want. Inform your reader about what they want to know and how the particular product can help them. An attractive landing page can push your conversion rates higher.
Landing Page is Calculative
The customers are not interested in performing calculations. The customers will buy products which define the offer properly giving clear information and not asking the customers to do it. Many people cannot understand the fractions and percentage and therefore fails to make the wrong decisions. For the copywriters, it is important to tell what numbers signify like what discount and price actually means. Reframe numbers into something which the customers can understand. The mathematical calculation may result in customer losing interest in your landing page.
It is a big challenge to create an effective landing page to drive traffic converting all the searches into leads. The requirement is to focus on the important points giving the consumers what they want and a concise and clear message.