Security Socket Locker (SSL), commonly known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), is a kind of protocol that is used for encrypting traffic on the Internet and makes sure that the identity of a server is standard. Every kind of HTTPS web address uses SSL. Now, SSL certificates are what allow websites to get transferred from HTTP to HTTPS.
Why does your Website Require an SSL Certificate?
- Encryption: SSL certificates make sure that the sensitive data on your Website is accurately encrypted end-to-end. This is essential because you indulge in various functions on the Internet, which makes your personal information visible online. A good SSL Certificate will allow only those users to access the information to whom you have gave permission. Others will not be able to access it.
- Authentication: A good SSL Certificate ensures that you are not only getting your data encrypted but also sending it to the right users. Many of the Internet servers may trick to be your Website and influence your users in a bad way. SSL certification ensures that none of this happens and all your networks are managed properly.
- PCI Methods: While dealing with credit card information, you need to pass audits that show you are doing it according to Payment Card Industry (PCI) policy and standards. One of them is to use an authentic and proper SSL Certificate for your Website.
- Trustworthiness: SSL Certification HTTPS allows you to create a trustworthy base for your platform. For instance, it creates a green color for your bar references so that users get to know that your Website is safe to use.
These certificates contain website server information and details. It allows other devices to communicate through the public key, while the private key is kept hidden. A website needs this certificate to keep its data encrypted and secured. You can opt for free SSL Certificates for improving your Website in the following ways:
- SSL.com: This site provides free SSL certification for 90 days. You can use it for a preliminary check on how things work for you. Popular websites rely on SSL.com to have their certifications done, data saved and analyzed properly.
- Cloudflare: It is a security-based company that helps to keep your Website moving at a fast pace and also protects its data effectively. Cloudflare is known to manage big and popular sites like Mozilla and Reddit. It provides a free SSL certificate for its users. You can activate it by logging in to Cloudflare, then selecting the Website you want, clicking on the crypto icon with flexible configuration, and “active certificate” status. This is an easy process by which you can get a free SSL Certificate.
- Let’s Encrypt: It is a popular certificate authority that joined hands with Linux Foundation to produce over one billion SSL Certificates for trusted companies. It is being funded by Cisco, Mozilla, Facebook, among others, which ensures its security with extra effect. It has an automated system of securing and protecting data. This means that you do not need to create CSR continuously and send it to the concerned authority. Let’s Encrypt does the work for you.
- Zero SSL: Through this, you can get up to three certificates for free, and if you find it suitable, you can go for the paid plan options. ZeroSSL is a certification authority that allows you to have your SSL Certificate in no time. You just need to provide the required personal details for your Website, and after a very short verification process, you will have your certificate.
- SSL for Free: This certification authority ensures cent percent of free certificates being issued within a short span of time. It uses the Let’s Encrypt ACME server and utilizes domain validation to help you get your certificate in no time.
There are a host of other platforms that effectively produce SSL Certificates for your Website for a 30-day trial period. These include Quality SSL, Geo Trust, Basic SSL, and many more. You can find out the suitable one for you and go on with your security process. Most of them do not take up much time and helps you to easily encrypt your Website data as and when required. SSL Certification for HTTPS is essentially required for protecting your data from malpractices, so go get your certification done through simple steps and within a short period of time.