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The impact and importance of digital marketing is no secret. Today everyone is well-aware of the various aspects, factors, and functions of digital marketing. Be it websites, apps, or social media, digital marketing has emerged to be an extremely powerful tool.

Just how amusing digital marketing is, its facts and insights are also equally amusing.

So, here we present you a few of such amazing facts about digital marketing which we bet you didn’t know-

  1. Email marketing has the highest ROI-

Despite the emergence of various new and creative methods and platforms of digital marketing, email remains to stay on the top when it comes to ROI statistics.

As per a study, the median email marketing ROI is 122%, which is four times more than any other digital marketing channel.

  1. Search engines drive 93% of all website traffic.

This statistic should be more than enough to highlight the importance of Search Engine optimization. It is necessary to optimize your website as per the search engines to ensure that you attract traffic.

  1. Power of infographics-

Infographics have been found to be shared almost 3 times more than any other type of content on social media. Infographics have also been found to also increase the conversion rates, visibility, and ranking of websites.

So, if you are marketing your business on social media platforms, you know where to focus on.

  1. You only have 8 seconds to woo your audience-

Be it an email, advertisement, or a social media post, the average attention span of audiences is found to be 8 seconds. If you can’t impress or engage them within those 8 seconds, they are most likely not going to pay attention anymore.

  1. Customer interaction has drastically increased-

Over two billion messages are exchanged between brands and users each month. Unlike any other medium of marketing, digital marketing has proved to be a wonderful medium for communication between brands and customers. This may be in the form of SMS, feedback, announcements, or chatbots.

  1. Smartphones are the largest mediums-

With the increasing features and uses of smartphones, it has also become the top mode of digital marketing.

52.52% of all searches begin on a smartphone.-

88% of smartphone searches are for local businesses.

Mobile traffic has a growth rate of 125%; desktop traffic is growing at a rate of 12%

  1. Importance of content-

People aren’t really interested in reading advertisements anymore. The

The best way to attract them is to provide them with good quality content. 84% of people expect a brand to create quality content for them. So even if your aim is only to advertise your product, craft them cleverly along with some valuable and good quality content.

  1. Video content is the future-

Many studies have come to the conclusion that video content will take over written content in the coming years.4 out of 5 people think that video content of a product or service is more engaging as compared to written content. This growing popularity of video content is a great opportunity for digital media marketers.

  1. Influence marketing is a trend to stay-

The influence of culture on apps like Instagram has far exceeded beyond the imagination. Instagram today has innumerable users and the amount of money invested in digital marketing and the returns obtained from it are marveling. However, this influencing marketing isn’t going anywhere soon.

  1. Images boost the viewership of a blog by 94%

Blogs that have images to support their text attract 94% more traffic and viewership as compared to blogs that have only text. Well optimized and relevant images can enhance a blog’s viewership drastically.

  1. E-commerce apps have outdone e-commerce websites-

Though both apps and websites have their uses. When it comes to mobile devices, the majority of people prefer e-commerce apps as opposed to e-commerce mobile websites. Even if the websites are designed and optimized for mobiles, they still aren’t preferred over e-commerce apps.

This is just a glimpse into the digital world, which is filled with such interesting trends and facts. And what makes it even more amusing is its ever-changing nature. Keeping up with the digital marketing sphere isn’t an easy task but is surely a very interesting one.

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