One of the most important and strategy based search engine optimization tasks is to effectively perform the backlink analysis. Backlink analysis is done to evaluate the competitor’s role in the relative field. At present, a number of tools present which had made backlink analysis an easy and overwhelming task. Some of the essential SEO steps to be taken for backlink analysis include:
Select your Tool
The SEO experts use a large variety of tools but you need to select a tool that works best for you. With a plenty of different options available with similar features and functions, you can utilize Ahrefs, open site explorer, raven tools, and cognitive SEO. These tools aid in effective backlink analysis for search engine optimization.
Choose your Metrics
So many different types of SEO factors are responsible for backlink analysis. It is not required to spent time on the metrics that do not make a difference. Evaluate the total number of backlinks for your own website and competitors as it an important metric for SEO. However, it is equally important to analyze the number of unique domains along with the total number of links. If your competitor backlinks are coming from a low quantity domain, it does not make a difference.
The number of unique domains gives you a fair idea about your competitor’s website. Always keep in mind that links from different websites are important rather than links from a single web page. Another important thing is to keep a check on the terms being used as anchor text. Check those keywords which have already been optimized and working well. Create anchor text related to your brand.
Analyzing fresh and incoming links is another important metric to calculate the efficiency of your link building strategy. New links indicate that your strategy is working in the right direction. Check the unusual link building on your website as it is considered to be the red flag for your website. There are many tools available which help you to examine the quality of your link giving a proper insight about your website. The backlinks that must be avoided are links from irrelevant pages, global links, links from article directory and links with over-optimized anchor texts.
Clean Links
The next step in the backlink analysis is to determine any issues encountered on your website. Clean them up for better performance. Use can use tools to identify the poor quality links on your web page. Some tools even allow you to manually eliminate the offending links. Remove those broken backlinks as a part of your effective backlink analysis. Keep a track when your error pages rise above a threshold value. If you fix your broken links at regular intervals of time, it will increase the quality of user experience and conversions. This also affects the quality of the website ranking.
Competitor Analysis
SEO experts perform backlink analysis on few of their competitor’s website to find out relevant ways to get links on your website. Apart from maintaining incoming and fresh links on your website, there are other points which need to be taken care for a better linking strategy. The common backlink tools can help you identify the common links on your competitor’s website which you may be missing out.
Backlink analysis may seem a daunting task, but with the availability of important tools it can be done easily and effectively. Using simple ways can help you achieve a better backlink strategy.